June is the National Rose Month!


We probably don’t need more reasons or excuses to celebrate beautiful roses, but this month gives us that opportunity. June is recognized as National Rose Month. As a florist, probably 95% of my weddings have roses; they are a popular choice for any event or everyday floral arrangement. They have been used to show affection towards another person.

The rose has been used for a variety of purposes. It has helped as an inspiration for poets and artists with its lovely beauty and fragrance. The rose has also widely been used to decorate our outdoors with my favorite rose gardens. But it doesn’t stop there; roses are also used to decorate food, home, medicinal purposes, and even aromatherapy beauty products.

This month allows us to fully appreciate and celebrate the incredible importance of this beautiful bloom. Roses have long held a special place in everyone’s hearts.

Here are a few ideas on how to celebrate National Rose Month:

  • Roses can always make great additions to your existing plant or garden collection. You can plant a new rose bush to add fresh blooms to your collection.

  • Spend National Rose Month visiting a rose garden or drive in your neighborhood to see what kind of roses they have planted locally.

  • If you want to make it easier, give a rose by simply stopping and picking up a single rose from your local florist. This is the perfect chance to send a gorgeous bouquet of these beauties to those you love.

Isis Lopez