Blooming Canyon

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Flower Care by Blooming Canyon

Cut Flower Care!

When your flowers arrive, the water should be clear and clean, and some of the buds may not be fully formed or bloomed. If the water line is low, refill it with water. After a few days, you will notice that the water in your vase is becoming cloudy or empty. It’s good practice to change your flowers’ water every other day. Sure, your flowers can drink water by themselves, but after a few days, they may need a helping hand to ensure they stay hydrated.

Luckily, there’s an easy solution. Trim the stems; with a quick trim, your flowers can take up all the water they need. Make sure you have a clean vase with water available. And don’t forget to add new plant food! To get started, grab a pair of sharp pruning shears or scissors. Next, cut each stem at a 45º angle. You aim to take 1/2” to 1” off on each branch. This will allow maximum hydration.

After your flowers are all prepped, it’s time to find them a spot in your home. Choose wisely — the location will impact how long you enjoy your flowers. Keep the blooms away from direct sunlight, heaters, drafts, or fans. Cut flowers are different! Your flowers will thrive in their new home and be rewarded by beautiful blooms you can enjoy for days.